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1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Oak Process

How We Do It

We lovingly handcraft each Oak canvas from a single log into beautiful wall hangings to brighten any space that needs a touch of our rich inspiration. Our resident artist takes inspiration from everyday life and transforms it into one line of art. Using a complex, realistic example and simplifying it into one single unbroken line. These drawings can look relatively simple to make, but capturing the true essence of the shape in just one line can be quite challenging.
Raw Timber

It all starts with taking prime, kiln-dried oak timber and cutting it to size.

Oak Canvases

Transforming logs into canvases, a clean slate to pour our inspiration onto.

One-Line Art

Taking a one-line art approach, our artist draws out a unique design and hand cuts it into an oak canvas.

Finishing Touches

Once the acrylics are added and the single line cut-out is painted, our signature artwork is ready to be hung.

Why Oak?

Oak is the king of the forest, for hundreds of years people have deemed oak to be at the top of the list when selecting prime wood.

  • Oak is resistant to rot and decay so it will last for a very long time
  • Oak is amongst the strongest hardwoods available.
  • High density means more mass, our oak is dried to just the right amount so that has low moisture content and is extremely tough yet light enough to hang on your wall.
  • Oak’s resistance to direct sunlight means it is highly unlikely to warp when installed opposite a window space.
  • We love oak’s unique and beautiful grain, that’s why we use it in all our sculpted canvases.

Graffiti Paints

Our bright colourful artwork is solely designed to bring a smile and a warm feeling to everyone that views it.

  • We design a unique pattern and colour configuration for each piece
  • Our vibrant colours have fantastic depth
  • The consistency in our selected paints is unrivaled
  • Graffiti paints are designed to be extremely robust to atmospheric conditions and time itself